Name: Mikko Hirvonen
Team: BP-Ford World Rally Team
Position: Driver
Age: 25 until Monday!
Nationality: Finnish
Name: Dani Sordo
Team: Kronos Total Citroen
Position: Driver
Age: 23
Nationality: Spanish
Name: Marcus Gronholm
Team: BP-Ford
Position: Driver
Age: 38
Nationality: Finnish
Name: Chris Atkinson
Team: SWRT
Position: Driver
Age: 26
Nationality: Australian
Name: Neil Cole
Team: AXN Shakedown
Position: Host
Age: 32
Nationality: British
Who are your heroes? (sporting or otherwise)?
MH: Spiderman(蜘蛛人?!囧)
DS: Sebastien Loeb, Carlos Sainz and Jesus Puras
MG: 我年輕的時候是有幾位欣賞的人:Vatanen, Makinen, Alen. 現在則沒有
CA: 老虎伍茲
NC: Stacy Peralta (sporting), John Belushi (Otherwise)
Who would you most like to have a 1-2-1 conversation with and why?
MH: 李奧納多達文西 - 神秘的傢伙,who wouldn't!
DS: 麥可舒馬克
MG: 喬治布希 - 我想看看他腦子裡裝了些什麼(不確定是講大的還是小的)
CA: 麥可舒馬克. 能知道他是如何駕車會很有趣的
NC: 馬龍白蘭度 - 我想問他「Where did it all go wrong?」
What three people would you invite to a dinner party at your house?
MH: 梅爾吉勃遜, 強尼戴普與喬治布希(哪個啊?)
DS: 三位好朋友
MG: 珍妮佛安妮斯頓 - 我不需要其他人了
CA: 歐文威爾森, 老虎伍茲與一位夥伴
NC: 實話?我三位最好的朋友。我離家很久了,我沒能有時間好好跟他們在一起。
Who would you most like to be stranded in a desert island with?
MH: 傑克史派羅或克莉斯汀娜 [當然是傑克史派羅船長吧?]
DS: 一個漂亮的女孩
MG: 我應該說什麼?Ok, 我老婆
CA: 沒有 - 跟誰在一起久了我都會覺得無聊
NC: Lost的編劇
What three things would you take to a desert island with you?
MH: 船,燃料與衛星電話
DS: 水,火把和可以回去的船
MG: 一些喝的,我的電話,或許還有些吃的
CA: 摩托車,燃料,iPod
NC: 衝浪板,斧頭,女人
What is the most useful gadget you own?
MH: 我的腦袋?還真不知道為什麼哩!
DS: 手機
MG: 我的電話
CA: iPod iTrip
NC: 我的Sony PSP
Money no object, where would your next holiday be?
MH: 越南
DS: 斐濟
MG: 夏威夷
CA: 到祕魯的山岳登山,只是那裡的月光會非常冷(?)
NC: 很顯然的,月球
If you were an animal, what would you be, and why?
MH: 獅 - he is the man!(有人…是這樣形容獅子的嗎?囧)
DS: 虎
MG: 獅 - 我有許多年都待在Peugeot, 我感覺像隻獅子
CA: 印度豹,因為牠是最快的
NC: 一隻章魚。以前曾是‘鯊魚’,but as I've got older the whole predatory-can't-stop-swimming thing has lost its appeal. It has to be a sea creature, 'cos that's my element. Octopuses have that chameleon-like quality, to adapt to their surroundings, plus not two limbs, not four limbs, but eight independent limbs. Brilliant. Then you can get everything done, be very tactile. And the ink's excellent too
What's on your car stereo now?
MH: Metallica與林普巴茲提特
DS: 通常我只會聽些廣播,大多是流行音樂
MG: 聖母頌,我想
CA: 我的iPod裡的歌
NC: We Are Scientists, Panic! At The Disco, Jim Noir, Camille, Pixies
How many songs are on your iPod?
MH: 忘記了,我弄丟它了
MG: 我沒有iPod
CA: 5000 on one and about 800 on my Nano
NC: 3,992. 這就是全部。而且我隨時都會加些新歌,還得刪掉其他的,真麻煩
If you weren't doing this job, what would you be?
MH: 探險家。或者我會打造自己的一輛車
DS: 快遞駕駛員,運送包裹給人們 - 我沒在開玩笑
MG: 農夫,因為我在家鄉有座農場
CA: 無聊 (喂!)
NC: 兒童節目表演者或特技演員
What's the most scared you've ever been?
MH: 在澳洲跟鯊魚游泳。然而那也是個奇妙的時刻
MG: 有時候在飛機上遇到亂流 - 曾經有次在阿根廷坐小飛機,當時那裡有很大的風,而所有的飛機都在機場上
CA: 在壞掉的噴射滑水艇上隨海漂浮,很長一段時間看不到陸地
NC: 紐倫堡,時速一百英里,失去控制的Porsche 911
Do you have a saying/motto you like to live to?
MH: 享受你人生中的每一天、永不放棄
MG: 我常說:我們會看到的(我們等著瞧?)
CA: 如此的人生
NC: 每個人都在自己的電影中
What's your favourite meal?
MH: 我女朋友作的雞肉雜燴或日本菜
DS: 麵團類
MG: Pizza
CA: 壽司
NC: 沙朗(牛排)配上一些Luigi Bosca Malbec Reserva
What's your favourite film?
MH: The Band of Brothers collection(台譯:諾曼地大登陸)
DS: Cars, 因為我聽過這部電影的西班牙語版
CA: South Park的電影(台譯:南方四賤客)
NC: Empire Strikes Back, or The Godfather(教父), or Young Frankenstein, or A Bout De Souffle
Who was the best James Bond?
誰是最好的James Bond?(詹姆士˙龐德)
MH: Sean Connery
MG: Roger Moore
CA: Sean Connery
NC: Woody Allen
What's the last book you read?
DS: Ayrton Senna的傳記
MG: 我沒看很多,而且我想不起最後那本書的名字 - 其實我很努力的想看完
CA: David Richards的書
NC: The Contortionist's Handbook by Craig Clevenger
The Da Vinci Code: Masterpiece or waste of time?
MH: 書;傑作,電影;不太好
CA: 還不知道,因為我沒時間去讀或注意那本書。那使大多數人感受娛樂,有些人覺得非常荒唐
NC: 把那東西拿開!
What are your life's aspirations?
MH: 得到世界冠軍的那天,長壽且幸福的人生
DS: 得到世界冠軍
MG: 再次得到世界冠軍
CA: 享受人生然後製造最好的機會(贏下WRC冠軍 )
NC: 使人們快樂,包括我自己
Elvis or the Beatles?
MH: 兩個都沒有!但我認為是Beatles
DS: Beatles
MG: Eivis
CA: Eivis
NC: Beatles
Rolex(勞力士) or Tag Heuer(豪雅:瑞士錶品牌)?
MH: Rolex
DS: Tag Heuer
MG: Rolex
CA: Tag
NC: 我希望(XD)
Turbo four-cylinder or big V8?
MH: V8
DS: V8
MG: V8
CA: Turbo
NC: V8 mate
Roller coaster or bunjee jump?
MH: 高空彈跳 - did that in Oz too
DS: 雲霄飛車
MG: 高空彈跳
CA: 高空彈跳
NC: Bungjeeeeeeeeeeeeeee(高空空空空空空)
Beer or spirits?
MH: 啤酒
DS: 都沒有
MG: 啤酒
CA: 酒
NC: 都有
Marmite: love it or hate it?
Marmite: 喜歡或討厭?
MH: 那是什麼?[Tried it at Hotel] 討厭!
MG: 討厭
CA: It's Vegimite, come on!
NC: 愛。愛愛愛愛
Do you snore?
MH: 不?這個嘛,沒人抱怨過我會打呼!
NC: 有時後,應該吧
What is your favourite chocolate bar?
MH: Lion Bar [Skally, Mikko's car controller at Ford hides one in his car for when he's finished a stage]
DS: 我喜歡白巧克力
CA: Twirl
NC: Drifter
Are you superstitious?
CA: 只有關於不存在的迷信
Are you superstitious? If so, what about?
NC: 嗯。是。事實上是運氣。我不相信傳統迷信(你知道的,黑貓,ladders etc.) but I have kind of impromptu moments bordering on tourettes, or OCD? like "If those lights turn green in 5 seconds, I'll have a great day" 5 4 3 2 1" or finding hidden messages in car registration plates. Seriously
In your secret 'film star' fantasies, who are you?
CA: 一個間諜
NC: Spiderman(蜘蛛人……)
Would you ever have plastic surgery?
DS: 不可能,如果我受到嚴重傷害大概就會了
MG: 不,但如果發生意外而且有這樣做的必要,那就有可能
NC: 不可能。如果能恢復到被毀容前,那就可以
Who would play you in a film about your life?
MH: Sean William Scott. 他很瘋,就像我 [Stifler在美國派中演出]
MG: 金凱瑞(大叔你是認真的嗎?!)
CA: 歐文威爾森或班史提勒(……這兩個來演你都有點浪費耶……)←喂!
NC: 童年 - 年輕的Michael J Fox, 成年 - Mickey Rourke, 晚年 - Val Kilmer或Jeff Bridges(……要求真多……)
What is 'your song' at Karaoke?
MH: Limp Bizkuit - Behind Blue Eyes or Finnis Eppu Normaali - Taivaassa persect tervataan
CA: 我不唱歌,所以通常是用文字(說話)來代替歌唱
NC: Song 2 by Blur
What has been your most embarrassing moment?
MH: 當我得到的是朋友的東西?你懂嗎?
DS: 想不起來了,但讓我覺得很窘的事,我的英文真的講得很不怎麼樣
CA: Crashing a friend's car at an event by accidentally selecting 1 st instend of reverse, and hitting a wall while looking the wrong way.
NC: I have made a career out of embarrassing moments. Most recently, while filming in Corsica, I was delivering a piece to camera on a mountain bike while approaching a hairpin. I was supposed to skid round it & carry on. Cool. I pulled the front brake (d'oh!), went flying over the handlebars. Not cool. But one thing that can still make me blush when I think about it (with shame as much as embarrassment) was when I was a children's entertainer (Happy Harry) in the middle of a puppet show, I wasn't getting the response I expected, until one tiny voice from the back of the hall called out "It's on the wrong way round," I had put the cheeky monkey hand puppet on backwards. Devastating.
Have you ever been naked in public?
MH: 幾乎有過(幾乎?!囧)
CA: 說不定?(不確定?!囧)
NC: 多少人才算“公開場合”?(當時是有多少人啊?!冏)
If you could describe yourself in four words, what would they be?
MH: Ambitious, calm, patient. And if someone tells me to do something, no matter how crazy it is, I'll do it. But can't think of the word to describe someone like that! [Crazy is probably close enough]
DS: 嗯,我不認為我會用‘最好的’來形容我自己,但我想整體而言我是個有做好工作的人
MG: 輕鬆的前進,稍微有點急躁(我希望所有的事都能進行得快點)或許有點偷懶
CA: 澳洲 Rally 車手 Chris
NC: 嚴肅的問題
Have you ever asked someone 'Do you know who I am'?
MH: 沒有,而且我不會做那種事
NC: 有。但只有在我的腦海裡與看著鏡子的時候
Who is the funniest man or woman aliver?
CA: Trey Parker and Matt Stone (south park creators)
NC: Jon Stewart on the Daily Show
a penny for your thoughts