RallyWorld Magazine - BIG TIME

大明星時間 - Travis Pastrana



Interview with Travis Pastrana about his plans in the WRC this year
專訪Travis Pastrana的WRC年度計畫

The 2007 season will be another amazing year for Travis Pastrana. Not only will the 2006 Rally America champion defend his title, the X Games Motocross legend will try his hand at international rally competition. Speaking exclusively to RallyWorld Magazine, Pastrana gives us the scoop on what we can expect this season and beyond.

Travis Pastrana的參與將使2007年成為一個令人驚奇的賽季。不只是因為他有2006年美洲拉力賽冠軍的頭銜,這位極限運動的摩托車越野障礙賽的傳奇人物,他要向國際拉力賽挑戰。Pastrana接受了拉力世界雜誌的獨家專訪,他給我們的訊息將讓我們更加期待即將到來的賽季。

What is your goal for your What is your goal for your 2007 international campaign?

Travis Pastrana (TP): The main goal, of course, is to gain as much experience as possible. I want to compare my pace to the guys from all around the world. I'd like to think that I can win a rally, but I have to make sure that my pace and mind is in the same place before I start worrying about trying to get on top of the Group N podium.
Travis Pastrana(以下簡稱TP):最主要的目標當然就是盡量取得更多的經驗。我希望在世界性的賽事中更穩定我的步調。我不去想我可能贏得拉力賽,但我必須確保我的步調與更專心在之後的比賽上,我開始擔心得在N組賽往上爬的煩惱了。

I'm very fortunate to have the same team, Vermont Sportscar, that will support both the national and international rally efforts this year. I won't have to adjust to a new team or new gear. I'll have the same mechanics as well, which will really help my comfort level. The thing that I am most looking forward to is getting some experience with these courses and taking some notes.
我非常幸運擁有一樣的車隊,Vermont Sportscar在這些年來都盡力的支持國內外的拉力賽。我不必面對新的車隊或新的傳動軸。我還是有同樣的技師,那真的給了我相當程度的的幫助。我非常期望能得到不少的經驗與取得這些道路的筆記。

Do you feel any pressure to be America's international rally star?

TP: Definitely. I always put more pressure on myself than I think is really there, than anyone else could ever actually put on me. You can only do what you can do in this sport. I want to do the best that I can, and I want to represent the US successfully like John Buffum. With NASCAR as popular as it is, and with the amount of money that is thrown into the sport every year, all of the country's top drivers are going to want to go there. I've had a different background and I think that this is a natural step for me as a competitor to go into rally.
TP: 當然。比起其他人所能加諸給我的,我總是給自己更多的壓力,當我真的想這樣做時。你可以只是參加比賽,我要盡我所能做到最好,我想要代表美國和John Buffum一樣成功。與NASCAR一樣受歡迎,讓每年都更多的資金來贊助這項賽事,其他國家的頂尖車手都會來這裡。我有不同的運動背景,我想就是這種天賦讓我得以到拉力賽場上競爭。

How different will the car be that you drive in the international events from the car that you'll defend your Rally America title with?

TP: They're very similar. The car that we drive for the Rally America events will have a few more high-tech gadgets on it. There are some things on the car that you're not allowed to run in Group N. The Group N car that I'll be driving will actually be a little slower, which will be a good thing. I'll be able to push that car harder than I would if it was the same car that I use here in the States.
TP: 它們非常的相似。我們使用在美洲區拉力賽的車有少數更高技術的零件。裡頭有些零件是你不被允許使用在N組賽車上的。我所駕駛的N組賽車實際上會比較慢,那樣其實不錯。我將會更發揮全力的駕駛(用力操?)這輛車,如果我駕駛的相同的車,就會跟在區域賽一樣習慣了。

How much testing time have you devoted to Mexico?

TP: Mexico's rally is just after the second round of the US championship, 100 Acre Woods. We'll be heading down there straight after, but sometime before that we have three days of testing in the new car, which is when we'll try to learn as much as possible.
TP: 墨西哥拉力賽是第二個在美洲舉行的分站,有100英畝的森林地段。我們到了這裡後就馬上進行,但在更早之前我們就來到這裡對新車進行三天的測試,現在我們試著去學習更多的可能性。

What did you learn in your title winning season last year?

TP: It was sort of a blur at the end of the year. The team sat me down and told me that it wasn't necessary that I win each event; it didn't matter if I came in third, fourth or fifth, but the goal was for me to finish each event. At the start of the year I crashed out of the second round, and I probably crashed out of half of the rounds in 2005, but you just need the experience.
TP: 這在今年結束時還不太清楚。車隊要我坐下然後跟我講,我並不需要贏得每場比賽﹔如果我得到的是第三,第四或五名也沒關係,但最終我完成了每一場比賽。今年一開始我就從第二場比賽退出,我可能不會跑完整個2005年的賽程,而你只需要有更多的經驗。

It took some bad luck on the part of a lot of the drivers, but I was able to get second or third on every round and I came away with a few victories on top of that. The competition was always very tough. This year, Ken Block will step up and there should be some great competition from the guys in the open class this year as well.
這對許多車手而言聽起來都不太好運,但我能在每場比賽都拿到第二或第三,我開始持續的得到一些勝利,直到成為冠軍。比賽永遠都是困難的。今年,Ken Block很快的趕上來,在今年的分組賽中將成為一位非常有競爭力的對手。

What impact will the TV deal for Rally America have on the sport?

TP: Oh, yeah. Rally can be a tough sport to watch in person because of the remote locations. I'll be really happy when I see what they put together as far as the TV program is concerned because it can open a lot of doors for the sport here in the States.
TP: 喔,對。親自到場觀看Rally賽的是非常的熱愛此項運動的車迷,因為比賽的地點都很遠。我真的很高興看到這些電視轉播都一起來到這麼遠的地方,因為可以讓在這裡比賽的情況大量轉撥出去。

+ + +

只要看這幾年有看過一、兩場Moto X的人就不會對他太陌生,看到本篇是如何形容他了嗎?Pastrana是傳奇啊(笑)
而我只是在挪威到墨西哥的這段空白期很認真的去看了X Games,才知道這號人物,但只想說“長得很好看的冠軍”就沒去在意了(毆)之後在Rally場上再看到他真是很驚奇呢XD(原本以為他只是順便玩Rally項目)


Travis Pastrana
Wiki - Travis Pastrana





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