RallyWorld Magazine - Norway's FASTEST Secretary

挪威最快的書記員 - Cato Menkerud


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Jan '07

Norway's FASTEST Secretary

CATO GOES BOBSLEDDING(←這是雜誌內的圖片解說,我沒有那張圖)

Henning Solberg's co-driver takes another type of seat
Henning Solberg的領航員使用領一種形式的協助

Norway's fastest secretary
Local boy Cato Menkerud will feel right at home with the thrill of racing through the Lillehammer stages of Rally Norway in a World Rally Car.
But if you thought he might be rattled by swapping four wheels for bobsleigh runners and hurtling blindly down the track at nearby Hunderfossen, think again.

WRCar將會在挪威分站中經過Lillehammer路段進行比賽,當地人Cato Menkerud對在家鄉進行比賽的事感到非常高興與感動。

"How incredibly cool! It was just as much fun as I was hoping for," the 33-year-old happily proclaimed after his debut on the bob track.
When guiding Stobart VK M-Sport Ford Rally Team driver Henning Solberg through the special stages, co-driver Cato knows exactly at what point a curve is coming up. As second in a four-man bobsled he couldnt see anything but the back of the pilot 's head. He had no pre-warning of the bend until he was suddenly hurled into it.
當引導著Stobart VK M組 Ford Rally團隊的車手Henning Solberg通過特殊路賽段時,領航員Cato精確的指出即將到達的彎道。
"I tried the wheelbob earlier, but that was almost dull. This was something completely different. The speed was much higher, and I could really feel the G-forces working," Cato beamed, as he accepted the challenge from pilot Linda Bye to return to the bobtrack at Hulderfossen alongside Solberg.
Solberg does in fact have some experience on a bobtrack–a few years back he took part in the UK's popular BBC TV show Top Gear, racing against a bob in his Mitsubishi Evo 6, but naturally he had to follow the curvy road next to the bob track.
"The adrenaline rush I got as I sat down in the bobsleigh a few seconds before take-off was exactly the same rush as I get before the start of a rally stage. I got the same exhilarating sensation," he said.
Having completed the race he was awarded a certificate, a pin and a 5G Club membership card, as proof that the sled reached 5G in the run. Top speed was 120kph. However, this was nothing compared to what Henning and Cato experienced when they crashed in Australia–they went from 167.5kph to a full stop, and endured close to 20G! Fortunately this does not happen every day.
Cato is really looking forward to going top speed at Lillehammer again in Rally Norway. Until then he is not allowed to move around freely in his hometown. The FIA has strict rules to prevent participants from getting to know the stages in advance. Stage 12 in Lillehammer is only a few hundred metres from his house, but if he is found snooping around the rally roads, he would be severely penalised.
"I know the area pretty well. But it's not the road down towards LysgArdsbakken that will determine the outcome of the rally. Even though I've been cross-country skiing a lot in the area where the mountain stages will be held, I'm not really familiar with the roads there. As a teenager I was never the type to race the mountain roads in an old Opel Ascona. But it feels comfortable to know that we're racing in our home region, and that we know the area where the special stages are being held," he says.
When asked what it was going to be like, driving near home, Cato said: "Rally Norway is, of course, going to be a very exciting event. It's the first time I've had the opportunity to show friends and people from my hometown what I'm really doing. I'm anxious to see how many spectators will show up. I'm really looking forward to this."
His father is Helge Menkerud–one of Norway's most famous rally faces in the 1980s and early 1990s–so it is not really surprising that Cato took to rallying himself. But the fact that he ended up co-driving for a living was completely accidental. In fact, Cato was a talented handball player, and a goalie for the League Two Lillehammer Handball Club (today a League One club). "When I joined the military, Lillehammer HC was not doing so well. Instead of commuting to Elverum to play handball in a higher division, I found myself drifting more and more into the world of rally. As the handball club wasn't doing so well, it was not a hard choice to choose rally," he admitted.
Cato started out as his father's co-driver at the 1000 Lakes Rally in Finland, 1992. He soon acquired the reputation for being a talented co-driver, and won the Norwegian Championship alongside Birger Gundersen in 1997. In 1998, he assisted Petter Solberg, and was really disappointed when team director Malcolm Wilson decided that Petter was to work with Phil Mills, a more experienced co-driver, when he was signed by Ford.
Since 2001 Cato has been working with Henning Solberg. With his new two-year contract with Stobart VK M-Sport Ford Rally Team, he has finally been approved by Wilson too. "I'm really looking forward to working for Ford again. I get great assistance from the team, which takes a lot of pressure off me, and helps me do an even better job".
Cato is nicknamed ‘Norway's fastest secretary’. It is hard for people to see how important his job as a co-driver really is. The preparations start way ahead of the rallies. He reads through old notes and road maps, putting old and new notes together. If he doesn't do his job properly, the consequences could be catastrophic. During the rallies, the seat on the right is his office chair–which is why he is not indifferent to what car they are driving. The working conditions are much better in the Ford Focus WRC06 than in the Peugeot 307 WRC. "Yes, I'm much more comfortable in the Focus. The seat is lower and more comfortable, and buttons and other functions have greater accessibility", he explains.
When asked if they had improved their skills since last driving for Ford, he answers: "I'll say that we've improved in that we get into the swing of things much faster. We don't need half a day to speed things up. And we're more experienced today and know a lot of the rallies better. That's really important!"






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